Cataract Causes Symptoms and Treatment
A cataract is a clouding that develops in the crystalline lens of the eye or in its envelope (lens capsule), varying in degree from slight to complete opacity and obstructing the passage of light. Early in the development of age-related cataract, the power of the lens may be increased, causing near-sightedness (myopia) and the gradual yellowing and pacification of the lens may reduce the perception of blue colors. Cataracts typically progress slowly to cause vision loss, and are potentially blinding if untreated. The condition usually affects both eyes, but almost always one eye is affected earlier than the other.
A senile cataract, occurring in the elderly, is characterized by an initial opacity in the lens, subsequent swelling of the lens and final shrinkage with complete loss of transparency. Moreover, with time the cataract cortex liquefies to form a milky white fluid in a Morgagnian cataract, which can cause severe inflammation if the lens capsule ruptures and leaks.
Some children develop cataracts, called congenital cataracts, before or just after birth.
Causes, Incidence, and Risk Factors
The lens of the eye is normally clear. It acts like the lens on a camera, focusing light as it passes to the back of the eye.
Until a person is around age 45, the shape of the lens is able to change. This allows the lens to focus on an object, whether it is close or far away.
As we age, proteins in the lens begin to break down and the lens becomes cloudy. What the eye sees may appear blurry. This condition is known as a cataract.
Factors that may speed up cataract formation are:
- Diabetes
- Eye inflammation
- Eye injury
- Family history of cataracts
- Radiation exposure
- Smoking
- Surgery for another eye problem
- Too much exposure to ultraviolet light (sunlight)
- Long-term use of corticosteroids (taken by mouth) or certain other medications
In many cases, the cause of cataract is unknown.
Adult cataracts develop slowly and painlessly. Vision in the affected eye or eyes slowly gets worse.
- Mild clouding of the lens often occurs after age 60, but it may not cause any vision problems.
- By age 75, most people have cataracts that affect their vision.
Visual problems may include the following changes:
- Being sensitive to glare
- Double vision
- Loss of color intensity
- Problems seeing shapes against a background or the difference between shades of colors
- Cloudy, fuzzy, foggy, or filmy vision
- Difficulty seeing at night or in dim light
- Seeing halos around lights
Cataracts generally lead to decreased vision, even in daylight. Most people with cataracts have similar changes in both eyes, although one eye may be worse than the other. Many people with this condition have only mild vision changes.
Other symptoms may include:
Frequent changes in eyeglass prescription
Doctor’s Natural and Effective Recommendation
Amongst three dosas that is vatta pitta and kapha ,thesnigdha and sthiraguna of kaphadosa s increased.So we have to do sophaghna and kaphahara treatment-means we have to pacify these doses.
ThriphaladiChoornam combination of various potent drugs, Triphala,Amla, Vibhitaki and Hareethaki being the major ingredients with significant action over the diseases which affect the eyes.
Doses Buy Now
- Thriphaladi Choornam 1teaspoon at night with warm water
- Netradhara with triphala churnam water is to be done
- Don’t take curd in night
- Avoid Reading in dim light and for late night hours
- Avoid using computer for long hours
- Avoid exposure to bright sunlight
- Has no side effects
- Gives happy, healthy disease free long life
- They are non-toxic and non-invasive
- Remove the root of diseases not just symptoms
- Good for physical and mental health as well.
- Relaxes mind and makes you Tension Free
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- It is highly recommended you consult an ayurvedic physician for the ailment before purchasing the product.
- The treatment is only a suggestion in general cases.
- Dosage and promotion may vary fron case to case basis
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