Dhoordhoorapathradi Kera Thailam - 200 ml

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Dhoordhoorapathradi Kera Thailam

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Dhoordhoorapathradi Kera Thailam
As directed by the Ayurvedic Physician
Composition: Each 10 ml Prepared out of
S.No. Sanskrit Name Botanical Name Parts Used Qty
1 Kera Taila Cocos nucifera Ol 10.000 ml
2 Dhurdhurapatra Datura metel Lf 10.000 g
3 Durva Cynodon dactylon Lf 10.000 g
4 Amrita Tinospora cordifolia St. 10.000 g
5 Kimsuka Zanthoxylum rhesta Lf 10.000 g
6 Kushta Saussurea lappa Rt 0.156 g
7 Mustha Cyperus rotundus Rz. 0.156 g
8 Ela Elettaria cardamomum Dr.Fr 0.156 g
9 Madhuka Glycyrrhiza glabra Rt 0.156 g
10 Keraksheera Coconut Milk Kr. 10.000 ml
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